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The 2nd National Magnesium Alloy Yong Scientists Academic Conference was held in Chongqing
CCMg Oct 31, 2016

On Oct. 23-26, 2016, the 2nd National Magnesium Alloy Yong Scientists Academic Conference hosted by Magnesium Alloy Branch of Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS), organized by College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University and National Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloys, was successfully held in Chongqing. Prof. Xian-hua Chen and Prof. Yun-chang Xin from Chongqing University chaired the conference. Young scholars from nearly 60 universities and research institutes research in magnesium alloy and representatives from enterprises attended the meeting. Prof. Fusheng Pan (Vice-Chairman of Magnesium Alloy Branch of C-MRS, director of National Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloys, chairman of Chongqing Association for Science & Technology) and Prof. Yu Wang (general secretary of the Communist Party of College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University) attended the conference.

Prof. Pan gave a welcome speech and illustrated his participation experience in the establishment of the Young Scientists Work Committee of C-MRS over 30 years. He emphasized the importance of strengthening exchanges among young scholars and gave high recognition of the national Magnesium alloy Young Scientists Academic Conference and the establishment of the National Magnesium Alloy Young Scientists Working Committee. Prof. Pan expressed his ardent expectations for the participants, and hoped that young scholars studying of magnesium alloy could strengthen the exchange and cooperation at home and abroad, help and support each other, and devote themselves to the research of magnesium alloy, so as to make their own contributions to the development and growth of Chinese magnesium industry.

In academic communication session, five experts, including Prof. Liming Peng from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. Huiyuan Wang from Jilin University, Prof. Gang Liu from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Dr. Dong Qiu from RMIT University, Australia, and Dr. Wanqiang Xu from the University of New South Wales, made 5 plenary presentations, shared the latest research achievements in their respective fields. In addition, 32 young scholars gave excellent oral presentations, and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the development of new magnesium alloys, magnesium alloy plastic deformation and strength, magnesium alloy preparation and processing, and magnesium alloy corrosion and surface treatment technologies.

Three outstanding posters were selected by anonymous voting, and the organizer of the conference issued a certificate of honor to the winners The representatives expressed that the academic reports of the conference was of high quality and fruitful communications have been achieved.

At last, the second plenary meeting of National Magnesium Alloy Young Scientists Work Committee was held and the new leading members were elected. Prof. Rui-zhi Wu from Harbin Engineering University was elected as the honorary director of the committee, Prof. Xian-hua Chen and Prof. Yun-chang Xin from Chongqing University were elected as director of the committee. Dr. Xiaobo Chen from Monash University was elected as director of the international committee. Prof. Huiyuan Wang from Jilin University, Prof. Jie Dong from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. Qiuming Peng from Yanshan University, Dr. Daokui Xu from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Prof. Xiaojun Wang from Harbin Institute of Technology, Prof. Zhiqiang Zhang from Northeastern University, Prof. Kunkun Deng from Taiyuan University of Technology, Prof. Gang Chen from Tianjin University and Prof. Yong Liu from Nanchang University, were selected as Administrators of Young Scientists Committee.

Prof. Pan is making a speech

Conference scene

Group Photo of conference participants