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Academician Pan Fusheng attended the mass production ceremony of oversized body structural parts manufactured by the world's largest die-casting machine
CCMg Jun 29, 2022

On June 29th, 2022, the mass production ceremony and technical exchange meeting of Chongqing Millison's oversized body structural parts produced by the world's largest die-casting machine of 8800T were grandly held in Banan District of Chongqing, China. Prof. Pan Fusheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chairman of Chongqing Association for Science and Technology, and chairman of the International Mg Society, attended the event and delivered a speech. Zhao Gang, member of the party group of Chongqing Economic and Information Commission, He Yousheng, Secretary of Banan District Party Committee, Jia Hui, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and District Chief, Yang Yaping, Deputy District Chief, Zhang Libo, President of China Foundry Association, Zhang Jianming, President of Haitian Group, and Yu Yajun, President of Millison Technology Attend the event and jointly launched the mass production ceremony of oversized body structure products.

Academician Pan Fusheng expressed his heartfelt congratulations to Millison for successfully producing oversized body structural parts using the super-large die-casting machine of 8800T. Looking forward to the development prospects of the industry, Academician Pan Fusheng highly affirmed Millison's outstanding contribution to the mass production of lightweight oversized body structural parts. The utilization of super-large die-casting machines and the mass production of oversized body structural parts is major breakthroughs in the field of global auto parts production. They are extremely important for expanding the application of lightweight materials such as aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys in the transportation field, and to enhance the competitiveness of China's auto industry.

Integrated manufacturing of oversized auto parts is one of the hotspots of global development in the automotive field. HDC 8800T is a super-large intelligent die-casting machine with the largest tonnage in the world that has been made available for mass production. It has industry-leading injection technology, and its performance fully meets the technological requirements of integrated die-casting. It can integrate complex structures composed of multiple parts into a single large component to reduce weight and improve the overall structural strength. The equipment was jointly developed by Haitian Group and Millison, and the optimization of materials and processings was completed by Chongqing University and other units in cooperation with Millison. The successful mass production of integrated die-casting products marks that Millison's technical level has reached a new and high level, which has opened up a new way for the production and technological reform of automotive lightweight parts such as aluminum alloys and magnesium alloys. China's super-large die-casting machine production technology has come to the forefront of the world.

Chongqing University, the Yangtze River Delta Materials Research Institute, etc. and Millison Technology signed a scientific and technological cooperation agreement at the meeting. Professor Jiang Bin, executive deputy director of the National Magnesium Center, and Ma Minghai, vice president of Millison Technology, signed on behalf of both parties. They reached an agreement on jointly developing lightweight magnesium/aluminum alloy oversized auto body structural parts, striving to promote the large-scale, integrated and lightweight manufacturing of new energy vehicle parts faster, and help realize the dual-carbon strategy. Professor Tan Jun and Associate Professor Song Jiangfeng from the National Engineering Research Center for Magnesium Alloys also attended the meeting.

The picture comes from Chongqing Millison.